Ayurveda Pathology & Diagnostic procedure

The department teaches students the fundamentals of a disease, including the etiology of the disease, clinical symptoms, and pathophysiology, as well as how to examine diseased persons and conduct necessary laboratory investigations to diagnose the disease.

As the aim of Ayurveda suggests, Diagnosis is essential for maintenance of health.

1 This department deals with nosology (classification of disease) and techniques of diagnosis.
2 Training is given in both ancient methods of diagnosis and relevant modern investigations.
3 This department is in charge of training the graduates in case taking procedures, performing systemic examination and diagnostic methods.
4 The department features a lab where students can receive hands-on instruction in Hematology, Biochemistry, Serology related practical methods.
5 With the use of fundamentals, graduates are prepared and made specialists to cater in disease diagnosis by using various available modern diagnostic methods.
6 Experts are being trained to teach Ayurvedic pathology in academic settings.
7 To enrich the analytical skills of Ayurvedic pathology in graduates as per the new syllabus of the council.