Shalya tantra department is well developed department performing all types of ayurvedic surgical and para-surgical procedures. Acharya Susrutha in this treatise “Susrutha Samhita” mentioned sophisticated method of surgery thousands of years ago & he was the first surgeon to develop cosmetic surgery, So he considered as ‘Father of Plastic surgery’.
In this department deals with

1 Kshara sutra karma- A well developed unit for ano-rectal disorders like Piles, fistula etc.
2 Kshara karma- preparation of kshara, kshara varti, kshara pichu for warts, corn, piles etc
3 Agnikarma – application of heat directly or indirectly with the help of different materials
to relieve the patient from disease & Pain management
4 Raktamokshana and Leech therapy – for disease due to vitiated blood, skin diseases
5 Wound management unit for all type of chronic ulcer like diabetes, varicose ulcers etc.
with ayurvedic procedures like Prakshalana, Pichu, Lepa, Dhupana etc
6 Marma chikitsa for Gridhrasi, Avabahuka, pakshagata and other osteo & neuro diseases
7 Bhagna chikitsa(fracture and dislocation) and treat other general surgical disorders
This department is well equipped with all surgical instruments, specimens, models, teaching materials and charts. Department has its own book library and digital library. Presently 1 Associate professor and 2 assistant professor with non teaching staff were working in this department
Vision :

1 Hand to hand surgical training
2 Maintain surgical discipline
3 Produce best skilled doctors to serve humanity
4 To give knowledge of ancient principles of surgical and para surgical procedures

1 To run a full fledged hospital along with the ayurvedic surgery techniques and specialties
2 To provide the basic medical and health facility to rural populations as well as other peoples.