The department mainly deals with fundamental study of Ayurveda classics named as Samhitas, fundamental principles as well as Sanskrit language. Fundamental concepts dealt in these classics related with the clinical part is widely spreaded throughout the curriculum. The department focuses on the subjects, Padartha vijnana (tundamental principles of Ayurveda and Quantum mechanics),Samhita Adhyayan (Study of Ayurveda classical text )Samskritam evum Ayurveda Ithihas (Sanskrit and History of Ayurveda).
Padartha Vijnana deals with categorization and familiarising the terminologies and essential concepts which are vital in laiding the theoretical foundation.Samhitha Adhyan concentrates on the study of Ayurveda classics namely Charaka Samhita, Susrutha Samhita & Ashtanga hidaya, thereby aiming at the conceptual and treatment principles of Ayurveda.This dept also imparts the knowledge of Darsana sastra(Indian philosophy), history of Ayurveda and co-ordinates the teaching of Ayurveda texts in Sanskrit language . So for understanding the hidden meanings and proper interpretation of concepts, a basic knowledge in Sanskrit language is necessary .
Department presently lodges a well oriented book library, digital library, more than 50 educational charts, 33 models,manuscripts and a wide discussion hall with teaching facility. Also Department is well equipped with qualified ,experienced student friendly teaching faculties.
To empower the students in fundamental principles for understanding the Ayurvedic Science. Thus enable them to imbibe it in their clinical practice to serve the society.
To provide a quality education with by dispersing traditiond knowledge satisfying the scientific community.
To develop the scientific validation of basic concepts of Ayurveda.
To impart fine education of fundamental concepts explained in Samhitas to students and thereby empowering the students to excel in their academic and non academic activities.