o Shareera rachana is one of the fundamental subjects of ayurveda.
o It deals with the study of human body and mind in realtion to its structural norms .
o Knowledge of shareera rachana is essential for better understanding of principles of treatment.
o Knowledge of applied anatomy will enable the scholar to do a preliminary diagnosis of the diseases .
o It has attracted lot of importance in the field of surgery.



o Department of shareera rachana is fully flourished with various facilities for students
o Department has museum with good number of charts ,specimen and models
o The dissection is spacious and separate room is available to store the cadavers and dissected parts .
o Anatomy classes and dissections are handled by experienced professors
o Department has more than 200 bones and has histology slides with microscopes .
o More than 100 books are available in the department library.
o Various instruments are available for dissection purpose .



o To enlighten and explore ayurvedic concept of shareera rachana in todays modern science
o To provide comprehensive knowledge to the students of the gross and microscopic structures and development of human body to provide the basis for understanding clinical correlation of structures involved



o To develop shareera rachana department with respective modern anatomy and applied aspects of human anatomy
o To promote research and to gain knowledge about recent advances in the field of anatomy

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